Francesc Boix

I am a thinker & strategic planner based in Barcelona.

I develop my work at Lateral Thinking, one of the most renowned creative production agencies in the city.

Before, I was a professional skateboarder, entrepreneur, and internet content creator, experiences that gave me a unique background to do what I do today. 

Let’s connect!



Fins Aviat, Camp Nou

FC Barcelona

FC Barcelona honored us with the responsibility to conceptualize and execute the celebration of the last match at the stadium as we know it. This was every football fan’s dream...

To deliver a great celebration in a context of hardship for the club, we had to think deeply about culers’ emotions, looking for ways to connect with them so that they would arrive earlier to the stadium and stay in their seats over an hour after the game ended.

We wanted to use nostalgia positively, to make them feel proud of the history of their club and its physical representation in the stadium.

Brainstorming with the team the accounts director touched on an idea. Use historical shirts as a way to explain a club's history. And go big (or go home) in doing so. Apart from the shirt's iconic moment, we delivered a cohesive journey from the pre-game to the +1h post-game tribute to the 66 years of football legacy the stadium represents.
